Game Shifters
Nothing We Touch
Will Be The Same Again

Why do we exist? To spread Scrum and its Agile cousins (social technologies) in the world enabling people to work better together.
How do we do that? By helping people getting training, experience and employment using Scrum. As a community of Scrum practitioners, we support, enable and learn from each other by bringing products and services into the world, using Scrum to do it. Many Scrum Masters gain experience and mentoring inside our volunteer community of "Go Givers." Do that sound like you?
What do we ask in return? Your participation. Your engaging with us is how you grow, improve, and pay forward whatever you gotten from our interactions. We're a non-profit, self-organizing movement. You'll be amazed when you see what's possible if we work together, as team.
When do you want to proceed to learn more and maybe join us? Reach out via. direct message to one of our members here:

Jon Jorgensen:

Do you wonder what it's like to actually use Scrum to make something new in the world? We do that.

Do you wonder what it's like to coach teams, individuals or whole organizations? We do that.

Do you wonder what practices plug into Scrum allow for hyper-performance? We do that too.

The many experts that volunteer their valuable time to "Pay it forward" what they've benefitted from the personal generosity of others, stand on the solid ground of historical results of reliable product and service delivery for decades, using Agility. What do we mean by Agility? We mean the The Product Manifesto. We make courseware, software, services, and many other things than software. We see an Agile mindset as universally applicable to any human endeavor. We are out to help anyone with an Agile mindset get ahead in life by being it in action. We help those without an Agile mindset get one, by being in action. Thoughts, words and actions are all effective means by which we've attained excellent results as Agile practitioners.

We have a supporting cast which includes Brett Palmer & Associates, Needle Hop, Inc. and many individuals and organizations. If you would like to join the ranks of our distinguished benefactors, please reach out to any one of our members, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Do you have a dream? Something that you weren't sure was even possible? We're looking for a complex, adaptive challenge to surmount as a Scrum Team. Will you do us the favor of letting us contribute to the world by taking on whatever daunting challenge you confront, which matters most to you? We'd love to be your ally, if your cause is just and benevolent. Please talk to us without delay.